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Euro Millions #1818 (Single Rollover Draw)

Winning numbers drawn at 8.30pm GMT on Friday 21st February 2025 - video:

01 03 11 20 43 (02 11)

UK Millionaire Maker winning ticket: XXZQ38966

The table below is courtesy of Camelot's phone line (0845 9100 000 *10). The jackpot prize pool for this, the 249th single rollover draw and the 1149th rollover in total, included £14,108,300.00 (58.2%) rolled over from the previous lottery, in addition to the original jackpot prize pool of £10,150,890.00 (41.8%).

Category        UK Prize    UK Winners     UK Total     UK %ages  All Winners
5+2 stars  £24,259,190.00           0          £0.00       0.0%           0 - rolled over
5+1 star            £0.00           0          £0.00       0.0%           3
5              £10,872.60           2     £21,745.20       1.1%          10
4+2 stars       £1,058.20           7      £7,407.40       0.4%          32
4+1 star           £83.70         222     £18,581.40       1.0%         745
3+2 stars          £41.60         427     £17,763.20       0.9%       1,584
4                  £26.40         554     £14,625.60       0.8%       1,752
2+2 stars          £10.50       6,657     £69,898.50       3.6%      21,878
3+1 star            £7.70       9,588     £73,827.60       3.9%      33,261
3                   £6.10      22,199    £135,413.90       7.1%      77,813
1+2 stars           £5.10      35,471    £180,902.10       9.5%     113,178
2+1 stars           £3.90     135,751    £529,428.90      27.7%     461,955
2                   £2.70     311,689    £841,560.30      44.0%   1,088,811

Totals 522,567 £1,911,154.10 100.0% 1,801,022

Euro Millions HotPicks #739 results:

Category        Prize         Winners        Total     Percentages
Pick 5     £1,000,000.00            0          £0.00       0.0%
Pick 4        £30,000.00            2     £60,000.00      10.2%
Pick 3         £1,500.00          189    £283,500.00      48.2%
Pick 2           £100.00        2,132    £213,200.00      36.2%
Pick 1            £10.00        3,162     £31,620.00       5.4%

Totals 5,485 £588,320.00 100.0%
The average Euro Millions HotPicks prize was £107.26.

The next table displays the draw order, revised frequencies and the last prior appearance of each of the 7 balls.

                    Updated Frequencies       Since Last Appeared
Drawn   Order      Main    Star   Total    Main    Star    Either
1st       01       175     315      490      19        3        3 
2nd       43       167       0      167       5     Never       5 
3rd       03       180     366      546       3        2        2 
4th       20       195       0      195      11     Never      11 
5th       11       185     244      429       8       17        8 
Star 1    11       185     244      429       8       17        8 
Star 2    02       172     360      532       8        6        6 

Total 91 1259 1529 2788 62 3681 43 Avg. 13.0 179.9 218.4 398.3 8.9 525.9 6.1
