[UK National Lottery Logo]

The Under-age Phone Hotline

Following a report about the widespread sales of online tickets and scratchcards to children under the age of 16, Camelot opened a new telephone hotline for members of the public to report such illegal sales.

The phone number for this is 0541 561616. This is charged at normal call rates and is a phone number at Camelot's secondary data centre in Aintree, Merseyside, which means you will be charged more if you are dialling from outside Merseyside. In my opinion, this is a mistake by Camelot - it should either be a freephone (0800) number or a lo-call (e.g. 0345) number like Camelot's normal lottery line.

The phone line is open during the following times:

Monday,Tuesday     9.00am-5.30pm
Wednesday          9.00am-11.00pm
Thursday,Friday    9.00am-5.30pm
Saturday           9.00am-11.00pm
Sunday             9.00am-3.00pm

All calls will be treated strictly anonymously and Camelot are not running Caller Line Identification of course. Every call will be forwarded to Camelot's Security Department and followed up with the appropriate action. If there is a case to answer, retailers will be prosecuted and will lose their lottery franchise if found guilty.

Retailers have received stickers and other promotional material about this hotline which they must display in a prominent position. There was a major press campaign to accompany the launch of this hotline.

As of Friday 21st March 1997, 11 retailers have had their lottery franchise suspended because of under-age lottery ticket and scratchcard sales.

[Background Info]

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