[UK National Lottery Logo]

UK lottery syndicate

URL: http://members.aol.com/midassyn/index.htm

Maintained by: M.T. Green

Rating: 6/10

Last connected OK: This week

This UK lottery syndicate (optimistically known as "Midas") says that new members can only be accepted by "recommendation or by invitation"...so what's the point in having all these details about the syndicate publicly available on the Web then ? It appears that this club actually has that quaint old-fashioned idea of paper newsletters (duh - there's a Web site here for heaven's sake...put your newsletter on that !).

They are using a 76 ticket wheel for the moment and are hoping to expand it to a 280 ticket wheel in the future. The stats pages for the results of this syndicate are far too confusing for my liking - lots of brackets and scattered numbers in various columns that aren't properly explained. Just exactly how many members are in the syndicate isn't clear and also I'm not sure how the maintainer of this syndicate makes any profit (if indeed they do).


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