Enhance the lottery links section (it's pretty basic at the moment),
- Rating each site out of 10. [Done]
- Indicating last time a good connection was established. [Done]
- Displaying the date when the linked page was last modified.
- Indicating if Netscape extensions are used by a site.
- Indicating if a background graphic is loaded (irritating !) along with
its size.
- Displaying the total number of graphic/text connections and the total
size of all data if the link is followed.
- Show an extract of the text of the home page of each link so that
people have an idea of its content (e.g. the first 2 sentences or something).
- Allowing the entire links database to be searched with any keyword(s).
[Done, but not exactly, er, good]
- Have a form for people to submit new lottery links they've found. [Done]
I would attempt to automate everything above except the ratings out of 10.