UK National Lottery Wheeling Challenge
Can you beat the current records of
163 tickets (guaranteed 3-match)
19 tickets (guaranteed 2-match)
for a 6 from 49 lottery ? To help
you in the challenge, here's some tools:
- verify.c Version 1.20 (13th August 1996)
C source code for a program written by myself to verify
that a set of tickets cover enough combinations to ensure that any 6 (by
default) numbers drawn will match against at least 3 (by default) numbers on
at least one of the tickets.
This latest release now has better formatting of long numbers, allows the user
to specify the maximum number of losing combinations that are reported
("-l" option: default 10), when to cut off progress reports ("-c" option:
default 30 seconds) and also supports lotteries containing up to 54 balls.
Compiles OK on UNIX systems.
- PC users only:
If your C compiler doesn't have support for getopt(), the source code to it
(taken from GNU gzip)
is available as
getopt.h and
tailor.h. I have included the
GNU licence here as well.
- Version 1.20 (16th August 1996)
67K zip file for PC's containing source code, both data files,
DOS4GW executable (386 or above required) and docs. Requires WinZip or
PKUNZIP to unpack of course, plus
DOS4GW.EXE in your PATH.
- verify.bin Version 1.20 (13th August 1996)
HP UNIX (HP-UX) Series 700 executable. No, I won't be compiling it for
other UNIX platforms - the source should build fine !
- wheel163.txt
Data file for the current 3-match
163-ticket record holder - save that page as a text file and feed it into the
verify software. Supplied courtesy of Peter Rosendahl
<[email protected]>.
- out163.txt
Output from the following UNIX command:
verify.bin <wheel163.txt >out163.txt 2>&1
- wheel19.txt
Data file for the current 2-match 19-ticket record holder. Courtesy of
Stefan Vandevelde
<[email protected]>.
- out19.txt
Output from following UNIX command:
verify.bin -m 2 <wheel19.txt >out19.txt 2>&1
Note that there is now a tie-breaker rule:
If two or more wheels equal the record (i.e. use the
same number of tickets to guarantee a 2-match or a 3-match), the one that will
be used will be the one that covers the most number of 2-match or 3-match
combinations (the verifier program outputs that figure so it can be confirmed).
If you beat the record, then please
e-mail your wheel file (i.e. your
equivalent of wheel163.txt or wheel19.txt) to me and, if verified, you will
become the new record holder !
Note that whoever holds the current record will not only get credit here,
but their wheel will be used as the basis of the "at least 1 three-match"
option or "at least 1 two-match" option
of the Lottery Perms page.
Of course, if someone has written software to actually generate an
optimal wheel, then I'd be very interested indeed (it's a bit too complex for
me to easily work out - has anyone got the theory behind the optimal solution
for this problem ?).