Christmas Millionaire Maker 2003
Game 1
Winning years
Winning years drawn at 9.44pm GMT on Wednesday 24th December 2003:
Sorted order: 1930 1958 1962 1965 1991 Bonus: 1934
Drawn order: 1965 1962 1930 1991 1958 Bonus: 1934
The table below is courtesy of Camelot's phone line (0845 9 100 000 *115).
Category Prize Winners Total Percentages
Jackpot £0 0 £0 0.0%
4+bonus £286,252 4 £1,145,008 24.2%
4 match £1,087 88 £95,656 2.0%
3+bonus £575 251 £144,325 3.1%
3 match £96 4,579 £439,584 9.3%
2+bonus £62 4,740 £293,880 6.2%
2 match £30 87,156 £2,614,680 55.2%
Totals 96,818 £4,733,133 100.0%
Game 2
Winning years
drawn at 9.47pm GMT on Wednesday 24th December 2003:
First year: 1164 Second year: 2569
Number of Game 2 jackpot (£1 million) winners: 4
- The average prize in Game 1 was £48.89.
- The machine Guinevere was used in Game 1. The four machines used in
Game 2 were Arthur (11), Vyvyan (64), Lancelot (25)
and Merlin (69).
- Again, the TV show was only 15 minutes long, but they wasted much
of that with a performance by "Miss Two Left Feet" (aka Sophie Ellis-Bextor)
and Duncan from Blue. Irritatingly, this again meant that two of
the draws (Extra and Thunderball) were just shown as sorted-ball static
captions for 9 seconds !
- For the fifth annual draw in a row (all of them so far in fact), no-one
actually managed to match all five main years in Game 1,
so yet again the prize pool from that tier was added
to the highest tier that had any winners (4+bonus in this case).
- I matched absolutely nothing in Game 1 and my two random years in Game 2 -
1545 and 2862 - also completely missed the mark.
- My sister rather bizarrely decided to buy me a Christmas Millionaire
Maker ticket for Christmas and even more strangely did not pick my
birth year. Still, it was lucky enough to match 2 numbers in game 1 (nothing
in game 2) and net me £30.
- Prizes in Games 1 and 2 have to be claimed by 11.00pm BST on Monday 21st
June 2004.