UK Lottery E-mail Scams Warning
The table below is courtesy of Camelot's phone line (0845 9100 000 *10). The jackpot prize pool for this, the 118th triple rollover draw and the 1297th rollover in total, included £5,332,422 (71.7%) rolled over from the previous lottery, in addition to the original jackpot prize pool of £2,108,851 (28.3%).
Category Prize Winners Total Percentages Jackpot £7,441,273 0 £0 0.0% - rolled over 5+bonus £1,000,000 2 £2,000,000 26.6% 5 match £1,750 111 £194,250 2.6% 4 match £140 6,563 £918,820 12.2% 3 match £30 146,640 £4,399,200 58.6% 2 match £0 1,263,911 £0 0.0%
Totals 1,417,227 £7,512,270 100.0% Category Change Figure Percentages Ticket sales (Sat) 4.7% rise £21,540,868 61.5% of Sat+Wed sales Ticket sales (Wed) 32.7% fall £13,460,940 38.5% of Sat+Wed sales Ticket sales (S+W) 13.7% fall £35,001,808
Lotto HotPicks #2368 results:
Category Prize Winners Total Percentages Pick 5 £350,000 1 £350,000 24.7% Pick 4 £13,000 11 £143,000 10.1% Pick 3 £800 744 £595,200 42.1% Pick 2 £60 4,962 £297,720 21.1% Pick 1 £6 4,786 £28,716 2.0%The average Lotto HotPicks prize was £134.68.
Totals 10,504 £1,414,636 100.0%
The next table displays the draw order, revised frequencies and the last prior appearance of each of the 7 balls.
Updated Frequencies Since Last Appeared Drawn Order Main Bonus Total Main Bonus Either 1st 05 338 63 401 7 6 6 2nd 31 374 69 443 5 23 5 3rd 06 346 74 420 4 31 4 4th 33 378 55 433 2 98 2 5th 20 325 70 395 15 17 15 6th 04 350 65 415 1 83 1 Bonus 28 349 70 419 10 20 10
Total 127 2460 466 2926 44 278 43 Avg. 18.1 351.4 66.6 418.0 6.3 39.7 6.1
Next Lotto: #3051 (Wednesday 19th March 2025) [No jackpot winners]
Previous Lotto: #3049 (Wednesday 12th March 2025) [No jackpot winners]