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UK National Lottery #400

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Winning numbers drawn at 8.30pm BST on Saturday 23rd October 1999:

04 08 10 15 25 39 (49)

The table below is courtesy of Camelot's phone line (0845 9100 000 *10).

Category      Prize       Winners       Total        Percentages
Jackpot     £2,285,582           3    £6,856,746      29.6%
5+bonus        £84,390          25    £2,109,750       9.1%
5 match         £1,365         966    £1,318,590       5.7%
4 match            £53      54,609    £2,894,277      12.5%
3 match            £10     996,488    £9,964,880      43.1%

Totals 1,052,091 £23,144,243 100.0% Category Change Figure Percentages Ticket sales (Sat) 9.1% fall £51,446,517 66.2% of Sat+Wed sales Ticket sales (Wed) 0.4% rise £26,259,599 33.8% of Sat+Wed sales Ticket sales (S+W) 6.1% fall £77,706,116

The next table displays the draw order, revised frequencies and the last prior appearance of each of the 7 balls.

                    Updated Frequencies       Since Last Appeared
Drawn   Order      Main    Bonus   Total    Main    Bonus    Either
1st       08        51       6       57       4      118        4 
2nd       15        48       7       55       4        9        4 
3rd       04        46       5       51      12       27       12 
4th       10        42      10       52      13        3        3 
5th       25        63      11       74       2       21        2 
6th       39        36       3       39       7       97        7 
Bonus     49        51       8       59       6        7        6 

Total 150 337 50 387 48 282 38 Avg. 21.4 48.1 7.1 55.3 6.9 40.3 5.4


Next Lottery: #401 (Wednesday 27th October 1999) [4 jackpot winners]
Previous Lottery: #399 (Wednesday 20th October 1999) [5 jackpot winners]

[Winning Numbers]

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