UK National Lottery #12
UK Lottery E-mail Scams Warning
Winning numbers drawn at 8.03pm GMT on Saturday 4th February 1995:
The table below is courtesy of Camelot's phone line (0845 9100 000 *10).
Category Prize Winners Total Percentages
Jackpot £10,350,387 1 £10,350,387 37.0%
5+bonus £796,183 4 £3,184,732 11.4%
5 match £4,087 487 £1,990,369 7.1%
4 match £159 27,456 £4,365,504 15.6%
3 match £10 807,216 £8,072,160 28.9%
Totals 835,164 £27,963,152 100.0%
Category Change Figure Percentages
Ticket sales 1.4% rise £62,170,560
Good causes 0.3% fall £16,212,788.90 26.1% of ticket sales
The next table displays the draw order, revised frequencies and the last prior appearance of each of the 7 balls.
Updated Frequencies Since Last Appeared
Drawn Order Main Bonus Total Main Bonus Either
1st 46 1 1 2 Never 4 4
2nd 42 3 0 3 3 Never 3
3rd 01 1 0 1 Never Never Never
4th 38 4 0 4 3 Never 3
5th 07 2 0 2 3 Never 3
6th 37 1 1 2 Never 10 10
Bonus 20 1 1 2 2 Never 2
Total 191 13 3 16 47 74 37
Avg. 27.3 1.9 0.4 2.3 6.7 10.6 5.3
- The draw used ball set 2 in the Arthur machine and the average main Lotto prize was £33.48.
One in every 74.4 main Lotto tickets won a prize (=1.34% of players).
- If all 13,983,816 ticket combinations were additionally purchased for the main Lotto game, they would have made a loss of £3,454,110.
- The prior history of the main Lotto jackpot ticket included one win of £10.
- The numbers were high this week, resulting in a low number of winners
because of the birthdates (i.e. 31 or less) people tend to pick.
- These were the record-breaking events this week:
- The individual jackpot prize and the jackpot prize pool (the first time
over £10m in a normal week) were the largest for a non-rollover week.
- The 5+bonus individual prize was the biggest ever.
- The 4 match individual prize was the largest for a non-rollover week.
- The number of 5+bonus winners was the lowest ever.
- The number of 4 match winners was the lowest ever.
- The total number of winners was the lowest for a non-rollover week.
- The total ticket sales were the highest for a non-rollover week.
- There were only three more 5+bonus winners than jackpot winners, which
is the smallest difference between the two to date.
- Two matches for me this close and yet so far.
- £552,610 of unclaimed prizes (1.98% of the total prize pool) from this week expired at 11.00pm BST on Thursday 3rd August 1995 and have been added to the National Lottery Distribution Fund.
Next Lottery: #13 (Saturday 11th February 1995) [1 jackpot winner]
Previous Lottery: #11 (Saturday 28th January 1995) [4 jackpot winners]
![[Winning Numbers]](/nav/Winning.gif)
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