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UK National Lottery #536

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Winning numbers drawn at 8.30pm GMT on Saturday 10th February 2001:

07 09 12 17 20 32 (30)

The table below is courtesy of Camelot's phone line (0845 9100 000 *10).

Category      Prize       Winners       Total        Percentages
Jackpot     £5,614,637           0            £0       0.0% - rolled over
5+bonus        £69,103          25    £1,727,575      11.0%
5 match         £1,029       1,049    £1,079,421       6.8%
4 match            £39      60,436    £2,357,004      14.9%
3 match            £10   1,063,830   £10,638,300      67.3%

Totals 1,125,340 £15,802,300 100.0% Category Change Figure Percentages Ticket sales (Sat) 10.2% fall £47,634,845 65.2% of Sat+Wed sales Ticket sales (Wed) 0.3% rise £25,395,436 34.8% of Sat+Wed sales Ticket sales (S+W) 6.8% fall £73,030,281

The next table displays the draw order, revised frequencies and the last prior appearance of each of the 7 balls.

                    Updated Frequencies       Since Last Appeared
Drawn   Order      Main    Bonus   Total    Main    Bonus    Either
1st       12        69       8       77       4      138        4 
2nd       32        68       7       75      18      126       18 
3rd       07        67       9       76      12       44       12 
4th       20        49      18       67      22       49       22 
5th       17        68       8       76       2       24        2 
6th       09        69      16       85      13       30       13 
Bonus     30        60      14       74      21       22       21 

Total 127 450 80 530 92 433 92 Avg. 18.1 64.3 11.4 75.7 13.1 61.9 13.1


Next Lottery: #537 (Wednesday 14th February 2001) [2 jackpot winners]
Previous Lottery: #535 (Wednesday 7th February 2001) [1 jackpot winner]

[Winning Numbers]

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